False Mirror

Failover Protocol


The new album Failover Protocol is now available for pre-order on Bandcamp. The full release will be available on Friday the 12th of April 2024.

Failover Protocol is an album I had already finished two years ago. Yet I never managed to find the time to release it. One of the reasons is that with all False Mirror releases up to now I had always been depending on a label to have time to release the album.

End of last year I decided to change this and release most of the upcoming albums on my own label “False Mirror”. I have also decided to focus on digital releases for now since creating a digital release is much less time intensive that designing a physical product. Also most people prefer to stream or download audio rather than playing it through a physical medium. I however don’t exclude the option to also release some albums in a physical format again in the future if there is sufficient demand.

Failover Protocol is my fifth official album and has been created between early 2020 and late 2022. I have always been fascinated by retro-futuristic concepts of the 1960’s to 1980’s. It was easy to transfer and apply this past human hubris and overconfidence into automation and machine intelligence into our modern society.